Running rendering tests with Ember Engines and Mirage

tags:  JavaScript, emberjs

When upgrading from EmberJSEmberJS
Ember Tools


Typechecker for Ember templates (Components, Helpers and Modifiers) similar to tsc in TypeScript. It specially oriented to Glimmer components in TypeScript, but it can work ...
3.25 to 4.X, I removed old code deprecations and I have the following error while running ember t -s:

This test relies on a deprecated test setup that is no longer supported by EmberData. To resolve this you will need to be on a recent version of @ember/test-helpers AND your tests must use setApplication() instead of setResolver() and module() with setup*Test()instead of moduleFor*(). [deprecation id: ember-data:legacy-test-helper-support]


There's no much information in Google about this issue. Documentation is currently outdated and error prompt doesn't give any clue about how to fix it.

Updating deprecated test setup

The usage of engineResolverFor it was deprecated in ember-engines: v.0.9.0 and it has incompatibility issues with latest versions of EmberJSEmberJS
Ember Tools


Typechecker for Ember templates (Components, Helpers and Modifiers) similar to tsc in TypeScript. It specially oriented to Glimmer components in TypeScript, but it can work ...
. The new API for testing engines was in this thread but there wasn't no info in the official docs.

To solve it:

  • remove the usage of engineResolverFor
  • use new setupEngine API.


import { module, test } from 'qunit';
import { setupRenderingTest } from 'ember-qunit';
import hbs from 'htmlbars-inline-precompile';
import engineResolverFor from 'ember-engines/test-support/engine-resolver-for';

const modulePrefix = 'my-engine';
const resolver = engineResolverFor(modulePrefix);

module('Integration | Component | example-component', function (hooks) {
  setupRenderingTest(hooks, { resolver });

  test('...', async function(assert) {


import { module, test } from 'qunit';
import { setupRenderingTest } from 'ember-qunit';
import { render, click } from '@ember/test-helpers';
import hbs from 'htmlbars-inline-precompile';
import { setupEngine } from 'ember-engines/test-support';

const modulePrefix = 'my-engine';

module('Integration | Component | example-component', function (hooks) {
  setupEngine(hooks, modulePrefix);

  test('...', async function(assert) {

Can't find components from other in-repo-addons or engines

When having various engines, we can use component from a different engine or in-repo-addon inside our project. There could be some issues about not finding the component because there's discrepances about the current owner of the application.

This is solved by setting the owner when rendering the component:

await render(hbs`<ExampleComponent />`, { owner: this.engine });

Registering services in the engine

If there's the need to register a service with mock data, the API for doing it changes a bit. Previously, we had to register the service into owner but now, as seen in the previous section, the owner has changed (we have set it into this.engine). So we need to register directly into the engine.



hooks.beforeEach(function () {
  this.owner.register('service:my-service', MockService);


setupEngine(hooks, modulePrefix);

hooks.beforeEach(function () {
  this.engine.register('service:my-service', MockService);