In EmberJSEmberJS
Ember Tools
Typechecker for Ember templates (Components, Helpers and Modifiers) similar to tsc in TypeScript. It specially oriented to Glimmer components in TypeScript, but it can work ... v5.0, the Array prototype extensions were deprecated. They were needed to adapt Arrays into reactivity system but aren't needed anymore. This included a bunch of customized methods to Arrays, like mapBy
or pushObject
, were docs suggest to move to native methods instead or use solutions like lodash Private or Broken Links
The page you're looking for is either not available or private!
In the docs (RFC, Deprecation guide) there's lack of info about what's deprecated and how to transition to the new syntax.
The issue is because each one of the deprecations is different but both of them have a similar solution and structures affected. All the info about how to migrate to new API could be found in this link.